Fa uns dies va ser l’aniversari de la meva
neboda, l’Alba, que va fer nou anys. Quan uns dies abans li vam preguntar què
volia que li regaléssim, va demanar-me una cosa feta per mi. No és dolça? :D De
fet jo ja tenia pensat fer-li alguna coseta, però quan m’ho va demanar ella, em
va fer molta il·lusió.
Aprofitant que començava l’escola, vaig
pensar que un estoig seria un bon regal. Ja feia temps que volia provar la
tècnica del “quilt as you go”, que vindria a ser una tècnica de patchwork en la
que vas encoixinant a mida que vas unint retalls. La primera vegada que en vaig
sentir a parlar va ser en el blog de l’Elisabeth Hartman. Així que vaig agafar
la caixa dels retalls, i buscant els colors que trobava més adequats vaig anar
Some days ago was the anniversary of
Alba, my niece, who turned nine. A few days before we asked her what did she wants
for her birthday, and she asked me something handmade by me. Isn’t it sweet? :D
In fact I was already thinking to make something for her, but when she asked, I was so thrilled.
As the school had just started, I
thought that a pencil case would be a great gift. Since I knew about the technique
“quilt as you go” that I’ve been thinking to try it in one of my projects. The
first time that I heard about it was in Elizabeth Hartman's blog. It consists
on a patchwork quilting style in which you quilt as the same time that you ensemble
your quilt. So I grabbed the scraps box and choosing the fabrics with the
adequate colors, I started joining them and quilting...
La veritat és que és una tècnica molt
divertida de fer, ja que pots anar jugant amb diferents mides de retalls i no
cal que sigui massa precís, al contrari que el patchwork tradicional. Un cop
vaig tenir els retalls units en aquest “mini-quilt”, vaig fer l’estoig, i el
vaig acabar personalitzant amb el seu nom. Quan el va veure... li va encantar!
I a la classe ha fet furor entre les seves amigues i també les professores! Haha
The truth is that is quite fun do
this technique, because you can go playing with different scrap sizes and cuts doesn’t
need to be too precise, in contrast with the traditional patchwork. Once I had finished
the "mini- quilt", I made the pencil case, and I ended up customizing
it with her name. When she saw it... she loved it! And it has had a lot of
success in her class, not only with her friends, also among the teachers! Haha
Animeu-vos a provar aquesta tècnica, i ja
m’explicareu com us ha anat! :)
Dare to try this technique and tell
me about it! :)
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