L’Aina ha començat la guarderia aquest
any. Havien de portar unes bossetes per a guardar-hi les seves coses, i la seva
mare va pensar en demanar-les a l’AikaMaku per tal de que fossin úniques. Un
cop va escollir les teles em vaig posar mans a l’agulla i així van quedar!
Aina has started kindergarten this
September. She had to bring some bags to keep her things, and her mom thought
to order them at AikaMaku so they would be unique and special. Once she had chosen
the fabrics, I started sewing them, and that’s how they were!
Tots els materials utilitzats són 100%
cotó. La bossa es tanca ajustant el cordill i porta forro a dins.
All the materials are 100% cotton.
The bag closes adjusting a cord and has lining inside.
N’he fet tantes... però cap d’igual! I a cada una que faig m’hi esforço per a que quedi especial per a que quan la miri, tant jo com qui la de rebre, el primer que em vingui el cap sigui: ai que maco! :)
I’ve made so many… but all different! And every time that I’m sewing one I put all my creativity and love on it with the intention that when I or the person who has to received look at it, the first thing that came on our minds would be: so cute! :) (so cute in Catalan is “ai que maco”, which sounds like my brand AikaMaku) :)
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