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dissabte, 23 de febrer del 2013

Un conjunt compartit

Aquest passat Nadal em van fer un encàrrec per l’amic invisible per a una noia que estava embarassada. Volien fer un regal a ella però també algun detall a conjunt per el futur petit, el qual encara no tenia nom. Carinyosament s’hi referien pel nom de “siete”, i aquesta va ser la pista que necessitava :) 
Last Christmas I received an order for the secret Santa for a girl who was pregnant. I was asked to make a gift for her but also some little present for the baby, which still didn’t have a name. He or she was affectionately named "seven", and this was all the information that I needed :)

Per la futura mare li vaig fer un buff d’aquests que ja us he ensenyat tantes vegades (aquí i aquí), i pel menut un pitet a conjunt, amb el que segur que serà el seu número de la sort.
To the mom I made a scarf, like those that I’ve shown you many times (here and here), and a bib for the little one, with which surely will be his lucky number.

Espero que els sigui molt útil als dos! :D
I hope both of them use their presents a lot! :D

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