us ensenyo un conjunt que s’ha anat fent mica en mica. Primer va ser la bossaper a portar les coses del bebè...
Today I show a set
that has been made it at different times. First it was the nursery bag…
va venir el pitet a conjunt...
Then was the bib…

finalment, per completar-ho, el necesser i l’aguanta-xumets!
And finally, to
complete it, the pouch and the pacifier clip!
Cremallera metàl·lica, of course! I una butxaca interior per a desar-hi les coses més petites. Metal zipper, of course! And an interior pocket to keep small things. |
serà el següent? :)
What’s going to be
next? :)
M'encanten aquestes robes! Ptns