Fa unes setmanes que em van fer un
encàrrec per a uns bessons que acabaven de néixer, en Mirko i la Olivia. Em van
demanar una tovallola personalitzada per a cadascun. Em van ensenyar algunes
fotos de l’habitació dels nens, que els pares havien decorat en tons grisos i
blancs i amb uns núvols de roba molt bonics. Això em va anar perfecte per saber
l’estil que els hi agradaria, minimalista i neutre. Ho vaig aplicar a les
tovalloles, i així van quedar!
A few weeks ago I received an order for
a baby twins that were just born, Olivia and Mirko. I was asked for a
personalized shower towel for each of them. I could saw me some pictures of twins’
bedroom, which parents decorated in gray and white colors and with some lovely fabric
clouds hang from the walls. This was perfect for me to know the style they
like: minimalist and neutral. I applied this in the towels and that’s how they
Personalized towels, with hood or
classic, have great success, and I have sewn quite a few of them, but all
different! :) They are shower size, 100% cotton and very soft. A unique and
original gift that kids can use for many years while they nonstop growing.
Les lletres i les il·lustracions estan
aplicades amb punt de festó. En aquest cas vaig utilitzar uns botonets pera fer
els punts de les “i”.
Letters and illustrations are applied
using blanket stitch. In this case I used some little buttons to make the dot
to the "i".
Em va encantar el resultat, i a vosaltres?
I loved the result, don’t you? :D
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