Blogging tips

dimecres, 2 de gener del 2013

Any nou, projectes nous!

Ostres, des de l’any passat sense publicar res! Això no pot ser! Però es que entre festes, dinars, sopars i que m’he traslladat de pis… ha estat un no parar! Però bé, ara que ja he desfet algunes caixes i ja tinc el principal per sobreviure – màquina de cosir, portàtil, càmera de fotos, fils i teles – ja us podré ensenyar alguns dels projectes que he cosit per aquestes festes i que han fet que molts amics invisibles hagin estat d’allò més originals.
Wow, since last year without blogging anything! This cannot be! But with the holidays, family lunches, dinners and as I move to a new house ... It has been a non-stop-crazy days!! Anyway, now that I've opened some boxes and I have the basics to survive - sewing machine, laptop, camera, threads and fabrics – I’ll be able to show you some of the projects that I've sewed during these last days and which have done the Christmas celebrations a bit more original.

El primer que us ensenyo és un conjunt per a una nena que ha de néixer a la primavera. La seva tieta no s’ha pogut estar, i li ha regalat un conjunt de pitet, bosseta i tovallola personalitzats. Com que a la mare li agraden els animals i les flors, vaig saber de seguida quines teles faria servir. Un paquet de fat quarters que em van portar de Chicago i que reservava amb especial mimo. Doncs bé, ja va arribar la seva hora! I aquest en va ser el resultat. Espero que us agradi!
The first thing is a set for a baby girl that has to born in spring. Her aunt couldn’t wait and has given her a personalized set of bib, a multipurpose bag and a shower towel. As the mom loves animals and flowers I knew immediately which fabrics I would use. A fat quarter bundle that a friend brings me from Chicago, which I kept with special love for a special project. So the moment had arrived! And this was the result. Hope you like it!

Espero que la Ingrid en faci molt del seu conjunt! I aprofito per desitjar-vos un feliç 2013 ple de projectes nous que us facin molt feliços :)
I hope Ingrid will use her present a lot! And I wish you a happy new year, hoping that 2013 will be a year full of new projects that makes us happy :)

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