Blogging tips

dimarts, 7 d’agost del 2012

Polseres summer

Us presento la nova col·lecció de polseres per aquest estiu. Són polseres de roba 100% cotó, fan aproximadament 1 cm d’ample i es poden combinar entre diferents estampats i colors, posant-ne tantes com vulguis. No n’hi ha dues d’iguals, i trobo que queden molt originals per lluir aquests dies de calor. No us sembla?
I’m glad to present you the new collection of bracelets for this summer. They are made with 100% cotton fabric, the wide is approximately 1 cm and you can combine them among different prints and colors, wearing as much as you want. All of them are different, and I find them so original and fashion to show them those days of summer. Don't you think?





Si us agradaria tenir les polseres de l’estiu, només cal que em digueu el perímetre del vostre canell, els tons en què us agradarien i quantes en voleu. Us les envio allà on us trobeu per a que les pugueu lluir!
If you want the bracelets of this summer, just tell me the perimeter of your wrist, the colors that you want, and how many of them. I will send it to you wherever you are!

Bones vacances!
Have a nice holydays!

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