Ja ha passat el Nadal... com porteu
l’empatx? :D Ara unes dies d’amanidetes i verd i tot solucionat, oi? Haha Tot i
que trobo que aquest hivern no fa gaire fred, almenys aquí al Maresme, i la
veritat és que jo i els meus peus-sempre-congelats ho agraïm :) Però a on sí fa
fred és a Alemanya, a on ha anat a parar l’últim buff de l’AikaMaku. I de
conjunt un clauer moneder súper pràctic!
Christmas has almost finished... How
are you getting along with the food excess indigestion? :D Nothing that a
couple of days with salads and green veggies can solve, right? Haha Although I
find that this winter the weather isn’t as cold as it used to be, at least here
in the Maresme region, and the truth is that me and my always-frozen feet
appreciate that :) But where does cold is in Germany, where the last fleece
fabric scarf has traveled. And a super useful key-ring wallet that completes
the set!
Recordeu que podeu adquirir el patró del
buff AQUÍ, amb totes les instruccions per cosir un buff tant per mida adult com
nen. I si us ve de gust fer el monederet, trobareu el tutorial AQUÍ.
Remember that you can purchase the scarf
pattern HERE with all the instructions to sew it for both adult and child size.
And if you fancy making the little wallet find the tutorial HERE.
Espero que acabin d’anar bé les festes!!
I hope you enjoy the last days of
Christmas eve!
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